Notice of Change to Tariffs and Fees July 2022

July 25, 2022


You are hereby notified that Delta-Montrose Electric Association proposes to make the following changes in its tariffs/fees, to become effective September 28, 2022. 

Delta-Montrose Electric Association proposes the addition of the following Industrial - Distribution Voltage - 12 kV Stand By rate:

Access Fee (per month) $150.00
Energy Charge (per kWh) $0.06544
Member Demand Charge (per kW) $12.29
Standby Demand Charge (per kW) $12.29
Idle Service Charge (per month) $75.00

This tariff is applicable to industrial services for which a qualified generation facility has been installed by the member and approved by DMEA. A stand by charge represents the capacity the DMEA system would need to cover if the member’s generation is offline. 

Delta-Montrose Electric Association proposes changes to the following Industrial – Distribution Voltage – 12kV rate:

Access Fee (per month) $150.00
Energy Charge (per kWh) $0.06544
Member Demand Charge (per kW) $12.29
Idle Service Charge (per month) $75.00

The tariff is changing member demand from kVA to kW as shown by or computed from the readings of the Association’s meter for the 30-minute period of member’s greatest use during the month.

Delta-Montrose Electric Association proposes changes to the following Net Metering rate:

Residential energy credit (per kWh) Posted avoided cost (updated annually)
Small commercial energy credit (per kWh) Posted avoided cost (updated annually)
Large commercial energy credit (per kWh) Posted avoided cost (updated annually)9
Municipal energy credit (per kWh) Posted avoided cost (updated annually)

The tariff is changing the energy credit from the energy charge per kWh per rate class to that of the posted avoided cost, which is updated annually, to match board policy changes that took effect in February 2021.

A hearing, final authorization and documentation of the proposed changes will be made at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors to be held on September 27, 2022 September 22, 2022 at 5:00 p.m., at 11925 6300 Road, Montrose, Colorado. Please note, the hearing date has been moved from September 27 to September 22. 

Anyone desiring to comment on the proposed changes may file written comments with the Association, at 11925 6300 Road, Montrose, CO 81401, at least one (1) day before the Board of Directors' meeting date referred to above. Members may also make their comments at the Board of Directors’ meeting at the date referred to above.

The changes ultimately authorized may or may not be the same as those proposed. Members are encouraged to share their comments with the Board of Directors so that the Board might make an informed decision.