DMEA Safety
Keeping Everyone Safe
Protecting our employees, members, infrastructure, contractors, and the public.
Call before you dig
Colorado law requires underground utilities to be located before you begin any digging projects. This is true for any digging job, big or small. Whether you are a homeowner planting a few trees or a contractor getting ready to excavate a pond, you are required to call 811 at least two days before you plan to start digging. Colorado 811 will locate all underground utilities, including any underground DMEA power lines, free of charge. Colorado 811 does not locate private utilities lines, such as underground sprinklers systems, invisible dog fencing, or private lines running to an outbuilding.
Stay in control of your spring burning
Every spring, landowners across Western Colorado use controlled burns to manage and restore ditches and other natural areas. You must take extra precautions when burning near DMEA power poles to prevent damage to DMEA equipment, widespread power outages, and repair bills as much as $5,000 repair. Before ever burning follow these steps:
- Secure necessary permits
- Check the forecast for weather conditions, such as wind direction and speed, as well as humidity
- Cut all grass and weeds near power poles
- Remove all dead trees and large vegetation within 20 feet
- Water the area near the power poles and the base of the power poles
- Plan to finish burns before noon
- Continuously monitor weather before and during
- Never leave burn unattended
- Have a plan to put out your burn
- Call 911 immediately if you lose control of your burn
Even with the best laid plans, a utility pole could catch on fire during a burn; however, planning in advance can decrease the chances. Fire damage to a power pole is usually evident by blackening and scorch marks, but even slight discoloration can cause serious problems.
Report any damage of DMEA power poles and equipment to DMEA immediately by calling 877-687-3632.
Safety demos
DMEA crews are happy to provide live high voltage safety demonstrations for our members. Our demonstration trailer illustrates the effects of electricity on the human body. It is appropriate for all ages and can be tailored to meet the needs of your organization.
For more information or to schedule a demonstration, please call: 877-687-3632 or fill out the Safety Demo Request Form.