DMEA Outage
Outage Center
Experiencing a power outage? Read on to see what steps to take.
Reporting Outages
Report all power outages by calling DMEA directly at 877-687-3632, even if you think others have already reported it. If it is after normal business hours, a weekend, or holiday, your call will automatically transfer for DMEA’s 24-hour dispatch center. Remember, never report an outage using email or social media because those services are not monitored 24/7.
When reporting an outage, be ready to provide the following information:
- Your name
- Your physical address
- How long you have been out of power
- Unusual events, sites, or sounds on or near your property or around DMEA equipment that might have caused the outage
Outage Safety
During an outage, remember these safety tips:
- Assume all power lines are energized whether they are high up on a pole or lying on the ground. They carry high voltage electricity and are deadly to touch.
- Never try to repair or move DMEA equipment (like power lines and ground equipment like transformer boxes in your yard) yourself. High-voltage electricity may still be flowing even if these items are damaged.
- If you depend on electricity to power required medical equipment, you will need to purchase a backup generator to safeguard against power outages. Weather, auto accidents, equipment failures, and wildfires are just a few of the incidents that can result in power outages. Always follow all installation, safety and, maintenance guidelines for your generator.
Outage Alerts
Get notified when the power goes out, and stay up-to-date while we get your power back on. Follow these steps to sign up:
- Visit dmea.com/notifications and sign in to your account.
- Add your preferred contact methods and activate them.
- Click Manage Notifications on the left, then select the Service dropdown.
- Make your notification selections and click Save Settings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Every outage is unique. The number of members impacted and the length of an outage varies each time, meaning outages can be as short as a few minutes and as long as days. As a result, DMEA may not be able to immediately tell you how long a power outage may last. We will do our best to provide an estimate of time and recommend checking the outage map above regularly and subscribing to outage alerts for the latest updates.
Report any downed lines or broken equipment to DMEA immediately by calling 877-687-3632. Then, stay away from these items and keeps other, including children and pets, away. Do not attempt to repair or move downed lines or broken equipment or anything coming in contact with them. Even when damaged, always assume any power line or piece of equipment is still transmitting high-voltage electricity.
DMEA recommends having an emergency kit on hand that is ready to go in case of any type of emergency. Be sure to include items like batteries, bottled water, a portable radio, flashlights, portable power banks, spare blankets, basic toiletries, and a first aid kit. You may not need most of these items during an average power outage, but you will be prepared for a more extended emergency. Learn more about power outage safety kits from the American Red Cross Power Outage Checklist.
Don’t peek. If the door remains closed, your food can remain safely cold for about four hours. Frozen food can remain safe for up to two days if your freezer is full and the doors remain closed. Learn more about food safety during a power outage from the American Red Cross.
If you need guaranteed electricity 24/7 to power life-sustaining medical equipment, you should purchase a generator that can support your equipment during a power outage. It is critical that you follow all installation, maintenance, and use guidelines set by the generator manufacturer. Not only can it be extremely dangerous if a generator isn’t used correctly, putting both you and DMEA linemen at risk, it is also against the law and a violation of electrical codes to connect a generator to your home without an automatic generator and transfer switch. Why? If a generator is producing power during an outage and it is improperly connected, it can back feed (or send) power onto DMEA’s system and endanger the lives of our crews who are working to restore power. Additionally, it can be a major fire hazard.