DMEA Board Candidates

Get to Know the Candidates

The following information was provided by the candidates themselves and does not represent an endorsement by DMEA.

District 1 Candidates

Headshot of Ryan Sedgeley, District 1 Board Candidate

Work Experience: Describe how your work experience has prepared you to be a valuable addition to the DMEA Board of Directors.

My work experience makes me a valuable addition to the DMEA Board of Directors because it has been focused on the big picture and questions of moral and ethical responsibility for how we manage our public lands, wildlife, environment, energy, and how we treat each other. I have had to be creative in my roles to find novel solutions, and work with coalitions of groups and individuals to achieve common goals. I have also been involved with the legislative process and the legal aspects of how siting and energy can impact ecosystems, people, and economies. I want to bring this combination of big picture thinking and creativity to the DMEA Board to ensure we are prepared for the impacts of climate change, have a reliable and resilient energy system, and find ways to use energy to help bring new business to our area, while working to achieve our goals equitably.

My background also prepares me to understand and apply the practical considerations of safety and reliability to our local utility.  I have a background working in nuclear power plants as a valve mechanic. I have been on that side of the utility world and know what it takes to keep the lights on. This experience has imparted the importance of making sure our utility workers are provided with training opportunities, have ways to provide feedback to managers and oversight, and to make sure they have a safe working environment so they get to go home to their families every night.

Educational Background: Illustrate how any formal and informal education and/or training would benefit you as a Director.

I have law degree from the University of Wyoming College of Law that would benefit me as a Director. My legal experience would help me read and understand legal materials as well understand the broader judicial, legislative, and regulatory context DMEA is working within. During my coursework I took classes on utilities regulation, land use, contracts, and property rights that will all be useful in the role of a Director.

My Master's of Arts in Environment and Natural Resources from the University of Wyoming Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources, would be beneficial in considering questions of land use, policy, and equity around those areas and anticipating possible challenges DMEA may face. My research was interdisciplinary and integrated various fields of study in an attempt to understand the deeper problems that drive policy.

My Bachelors degree in Liberal Arts from Colorado State University equipped me with an understanding of economics and political theory. This would help me as a Director to understand the economic impacts of decisions of governments and agencies.

Informally, I stay up to date on the latest energy technology and current events around energy and energy policy, specifically renewables.

What makes DMEA's purpose and mission meaningful to you?

I attended the Spark event in Montrose and I was impressed with the clearly talented and dedicated staff. I was also impressed with the number of members that were at that event and engaged with DMEA. It show just how DMEA is member-focused and the staff really care about the people they serve. I also find it inspiring that DMEA has a track record of being innovative and willing to try new things like operating a fiber internet service and a geothermal business.

How will your values align with DMEA's shared values?

  1. Safety: We relentlessly protect our most valued resources: our employees, members, infrastructure, contractors, and the public.
    As a former power plant worker, I understand just how important it is to ensure that DMEA employees and contractors have a safe working environment and a culture that promotes safe work practices so that everyone goes home to their family alive and uninjured every day. We also have a duty to protect the public. With major fire after major fire caused by power lines and electric infrastructure everywhere from the Front Range to Hawaii, I want to see DMEA power lines buried and infrastructure hardened against severe weather, heat, and deterioration. We don’t want to see any of our towns or farms burned because of a DMEA power line. My concern about this problem is one of the reasons I decided to run for this board position.
  2. Transparency: We act with uncompromising honesty and openness.
    I believe in democracy and a member co-op is a form of democratic ownership and management of the energy system that members rely on. For democracy to work, the leadership must listen and communicate well. I am committed to listening and communicating openly with members. I believe in sharing technical information as well as explaining how and why decisions were made the way they were. As part of transparency, I also think it is important to timely respond to emails and calls from members.
  3. Innovation: We think freely and experiment boldly as an independent cooperative in the pursuit of continuous improvement.
    I am excited about all the opportunities that DMEA has in front of it to innovate. There are new technologies and incentives available to take advantage of that could help DMEA to have a more reliable and robust energy system. These new technologies also offer the ability to attract new industries that rely on this energy. I see a future where the investments in innovative thinking do more than just keep the lights on while benefiting the community as a whole.
  4. Integrity: We remain true to our word and treat others with respect.
    Integrity matters most when no-one is looking. In a position of public trust that means doing the right thing even when it isn’t what powerful people and interest groups want.
  5. Sustainability: We are good stewards of our resources and work to protect the community we all share.
    Resources are owned by our members through the co-op and we need to make sure we steward those resources well. We also need to ensure that the decisions we make benefit us now and long into the future. We need to think about our kids and grandkids and what kind of infrastructure they will be inheriting. We also need to prepare our power systems for disruptive events and can sustain our communities long into the future.
  6. Reliability: We deliver service you can count on all day, every day.
    When you flip a light switch you expect the lights to come on. DMEA does a great job already of providing reliable power. I want to ensure that reliability continues and that we create a more robust energy system that is more resilient to extreme weather, market conditions, and acts of sabotage.

Explain your beliefs on a Director's role and your view on governance versus management.

A Director is there to see the bigger picture of how the organization is doing and where the organization needs to go. You need to bring all of your experiences to board service and work with other board members to ensure that the organization is operating well, complying with regulations and laws, and is financially stable. It is the role of the board to hire a CEO/Executive Director that they trust to do the job of carrying out the day to day decision making and operation of the organization. They manage the actual work and the employees. Directors should not be telling employees what to do or meddling in the day to day activities of the organization but should be be planning for the long term.

What unique ability or knowledge do you think you would bring to the DMEA board?

I have a diverse background of experiences that provides me with an ability to make connections that might otherwise go unseen. This helps me to come up with innovative ideas for solving problems. It also helps me to see things from different perspectives, something that is important here, where we have many different people from different backgrounds and demographics. Seeing these connections also helps me to find the win-win solutions where we can achieve multiple things at once and benefit most, if not all, parties.

I have traveled extensively and lived in both extremely rural places and in cities. These areas deal with different challenges and have different requirements that need to be considered when policies are being made. I can do that and will do that as your Director.

Summarize any previous board experience.

Currently, I am co-chair of the Design Committee for DART here in Montrose. I have also worked closely with the board of directors of my former employer, the Wyoming Outdoor Council. This was a great place to understand how boards work, what their responsibilities are, and how board members should interact with management and staff. Along with this work, I have attended quite a few board meetings and have been able to learn how different organizations carry out these meetings and do business.

Is there anything about DMEA that you would like to change? If yes, what and why?

I would like to see DMEA reach 100% renewable energy as quickly as possible. Every day that DMEA purchases power being made from the burning of fossil fuels we rob our children and grandchildren of their future. We also subject them to the immediate hazards of fossil fuel pollution including toxic exhaust gases, particulate matter, fly ash, and the destruction and abuse of our public lands and resources.  These things result in kids with asthma, early death, and a host of cancers and other diseases. Our kids and grandkids deserve better.

With my education and research, I think it is possible to get creative and find ways to meet a 100% renewable energy goal without burdening our members with significantly higher costs of electricity.  Ideally, this work would be equitable and help low income folks improve their homes and lower their monthly energy costs. I also think that we have an opportunity to attract new industries to our area that require large amounts of inexpensive clean energy. This means jobs and tax revenue for our local communities.

Candidate Background Statement

Our future needs people making the right decisions today to ensure that our kids and grandkids will have a livable planet. We also owe it to ourselves to find reliable sources of energy that will create a more resilient and robust system that can withstand the shocks of extreme weather and other disruptions, most notably, fire.

As your Director, I will listen to your thoughts and needs. I will be innovative and creative. I am committed to finding ways to help our community thrive through abundant inexpensive renewable energy. By taking advantage of these inexhaustible sources of energy we can attract new kinds of business to our area and improve community well-being.

I will do this by applying skills and experience from my unique background that spans everything from being a power plant mechanic to obtaining advanced degrees. I believe that I can help continue to guide DMEA towards a bright future that provides reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity and internet.

Your vote matters, your voice matters. Working together, we can build a bright future powered by your vote.

I live in Montrose with my wife and dog April. I enjoy birding, hiking, and making art.

Thank you.

Headshot of Toby Romero, District 1 Board Candidate

Work Experience: Describe how your work experience has prepared you to be a valuable addition to the DMEA Board of Directors.

From 1993 until December 2013, when I retired.  I worked for Tri-State G&T. I was hired in as a Journeyman Electrician and belonged to the IBEW until I was promoted to the position of Electrical Supervisor for the entire Craig Power Plant. As the electrical supervisor my responsibilties included managing work schedules for all electrical personel, oversight of all electrical work don on plant site to include all maintance of all electrical equipment from the Generators to lighting, all new electrical projects, and supporting operations and other maintenance groups,especially during plant outages. I was charged with compiling and monitoting a budget for all electrical equipment labor that was required to maintain all systems and labor for the plant. The last eight years of my employment I transfered to the Transmision Side of Tri-State G&T where I worked as a Journeyman Substation Technician. my responsibilites included performing maintenance on all substations form Kremmlling to Wionter Park, Grand Lake, and Walden Colorado.

I worked for AMAX Metals at the Henderson Mill from 1979 until 1993.I started inn the Electrical Department started as as an apprentice electrician was promoted to Journeyman electrician and then to the Mill Site Electrical Foreman where I over saw the entire maintance for the Mill site to include all maintenance of all electrical equipment and oversight of all personel working in the electrical department. I also incharge of prepareing and monitoring the budget for the Electrical Department, to include labor,equipment and tools.

Educational Background: Illustrate how any formal and informal education and/or training would benefit you as a Director.

  1. Received a diplona from San Juan Vocational School in 1979 for Industrial and solid state Electrical control.
  2. Received a diploma from Albuquerque Technical Vocational in 1977 for Residential Electrical.
  3. Graduated form Olathe High School in 1972

What makes DMEA's purpose and mission meaningful to you?

Making sure that the people and the business that count on reliable and affordable electricity are taken care of and the individuals who work to accomplish that are also taken care of. Also looking toward the future to keep up with future needs.

How will your values align with DMEA's shared values?

I belive in working hard and with purpose. I belive in being the best person that I can and having integerity, I care about my comunity and all that make it what it is.

Explain your beliefs on a Director's role and your view on governance versus management.

My beliefs on a Director's role, is to educate one's self and to research best posible options on any given subject or project, try to give insight and recomendations that are meaningful and helpful. Management is the initation and management of projects with direct oversight. Whether its an actual work project or working with a group on a project.

What unique ability or knowledge do you think you would bring to the DMEA board?

I would bring an ability to communicate with others. Having worked with orthers in my past expreiences as a supervisor and working with other departments and vendors has given me a lot  of experience working with others.

Summarize any previous board experience.

None of this nature.

Is there anything about DMEA that you would like to change? If yes, what and why?

Not at this time.

Candidate Background Statement

I have over thirty years of electrical experience. Twenty years of experience working for Tri State G&T on both the Generating and Transmision sides. I have practical experience working as a Journeyman Sub Station Tech, I am familar with the different types of equipment used and knowledge of how they are maintained. I have experience with NERC and FERC regulations as well.I know what it takes to keep the lights on for everone.

District 2 Candidates

Headshot of Ken Norris, District 2 Board Candidate

Work Experience: Describe how your work experience has prepared you to be a valuable addition to the DMEA Board of Directors.

Please see my attached resume at the end of this section for extensive details that support the answer to this section as well as other following sections of this questionnaire.

I have had extensive electric utility experience including the following:

Served on the DMEA Board for four consecutive three-year terms for a total service of 12 years..

Served as Vice President of the DMEA Board

Was on the DMEA South Canal Hydroelectric Project negotiating committee

Served as Acting President of Colorado-Ute Electric Association, the power supplier to DMEA and 13 other Colorado electric distribution coops.  Colorado-Ute was the wholesale power supplier to DMEA prior to Tri-State and Guzman Energy.

At Colorado-Ute Electric Association I served as the Project Engineer for the design and construction of the Craig and Hayden power plants which cost over one billion dollars.  My design and construction expertise will be invaluable for oversight of future DMEA projects, such as the proposed Garnet Mesa Solar Project.

Served for seven years as the Montrose County Manager.  This required extensive dealing with governmental agencies, the public and many employees.  At Montrose County I was responsible for the design and construction of the Montrose County Event Center, the Montrose County Public Works Campus, the Montrose County Justice Center Annex, and many other projects.  The cost of the Event Center was $10 million and the cost of the Public Works Campus was $10 million.  

During my tenure at Montrose County, Russell Stover Candies and Colorado-Ute Electric Association, I have been responsible for communication and internet facilities.  I dealt with many internet providers such as Quest, Clearnetworx,and Elevate. I served on the Board of METSA (Montrose Emergency Telelphone Service Authority) which dealt with communications of the 911 Center, the Montrose County Sheriff's Office, and the Montrose Police Department.  This along with my extensive experience with electric utilities gives me the broad background to be of value to the DMEA board when governing DMEA.

For additional information about my education and experience I am attaching my resume as follows:



Montrose County
Montrose, Colorado

5-17-14 to 6-3-21  Montrose County Manager

Served as Montrose County Manager for seven years which was a much longer period of service than any past Montrose County Manager.  This County Manager position served as CEO of Montrose County with responsibility for all divisions including:

Health and Human Services                        
Information Tech.        
Communication Towers                        
Finance Facilities                        
Public Works              
Planning and Development                        
Human Resources      
Event Center and Fairgrounds

Also served as Facilities Director during this period as well as June2021-November 2022.

The County has a budget of $100 million with 400 employees.

8-9-10  to 5-17-14  Facilities Director

Served as Facilities Director for Montrose County with responsibility for the following functions:

Facility Design and Construction Mgmt.
Facility Maintenance and Custodial            
Communication Towers            
Weed and Pest                                                
CSU Extension            
Internet Facilities

Was responsible for the design and construction of the Montrose County Event Center, the Montrose County Public Works Campus, the Montrose County Justice Center Annex, and many other projects.  The cost of the Event Center and Public Works Campus was $20 million.

City of Montrose
Montrose, Colorado

1-7-08  to 8-9-10  Pretreatment Coordinator/Project Manager

Served as Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator and Project Manager for the City  of Montrose.  Projects included water, wastewater and highway capital improvements.    Bid and contracted for City of Montrose projects, and managed the construction.

Russell Stover Candies
Montrose, Colorado

1-1-93  to 11-9-07  Engineering Manager

Responsible for the internet and communication systems, engineering, construction management, maintenance, environmental and regulatory licensing and compliance, safety, and security of the 330,000 square foot Montrose Plant.  The plant had foreign and domestic production equipment, employed 600 employees, and typically produced and packaged 30 tons of chocolate candy per day.

Colorado-Ute Electric Association
Montrose, Colorado

2-12-89  to 9-21-90  Executive Vice President/Acting President

Responsible for Colorado-Ute prior to its sale to Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association.  Responsible for managing and operating over $2 billion in electrical generating and transmission facilities and approximately 1200 employees.  Colorado-Ute provided the wholesale power to DMEA and 13 other Colorado electric cooperatives.

4-12-85 to 2-12-89  Vice President of Engineering

Responsible for engineering, construction management and operations of coal fired and hydroelectric power plants, transmission lines, substations, coal mines, water supplies, railroads, communication facilities and other facilities. Responsibilities also included power system operations to provide power supply to DMEA and 13 other electric coops, including power purchases and sales.

9-11-77  to 4-12-85  Manager of Planning

Responsible for planning and licensing  2000 MW Southwest Project, 400 MW Craig Station Unit 3, 100 MW Nucla Fluidized Bed Project and the Rifle-San Juan 345 kV Transmission Line with substations, and communication facilities.  Responsible for power system planning and power system operations for DMEA and 13 other electric coops.

2-25-75  to  9-11-77  Project Engineer

Responsible for design and construction management of Craig Station Units 1 and 2,  (400 MW each), and Hayden Station Unit 2,  (262 MW), which involved administering a total construction budget in excess of $1 billion.

Public Service Company of Colorado (Now Xcel Energy)
Denver, Colorado

5-1-71 to 2-1-75  Engineer

Responsible for design, construction and operation of transmission, substation and generation facilities.  Wrote the first operation manual for the 300 MW Cabin Creek Hydroelectric Pumped Storage Project near Georgetown.  Pumped Storage is the least cost alternative means of storing energy from solar and wind to be used at night or any time of peak system loading.


Paonia High School, Class President Junior and Senior years

AS Science and Math, Mesa College, Grand Junction

B.S.  Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University

MBA, University of Colorado


Registered Professional Engineer in Colorado—Colorado License No. 13521

Elected to four consecutive three-year terms on the DMEA (Delta- Montrose Electric Association) Board

Vice President of Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) Board

Selected as a finalist for the top job at NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) Golden, Colorado

Electric Power Research Institute, Generation Committee

Electric Power Research Institute, Renewable Resources Committee

Electric Power Research Institute, Renewable Resources Task Force.

Raft River Geothermal Plant Advisory Committee

Solar One Utility Advisory Committee

Southwest Solar Repowering Advisory Committe

Chairman, Dominguez Reservoir Hydro Project Committee

Executive Committee Alternate, Inland Power Pool

Class A Wastewater Operator Certification—Colorado

Chairman, Yampa Project Engineering and Operating Committee

Chairman, Hayden Station Engineering and Operating Committee

Chairman, Salt Creek Mining Company Management Committee

Chairman, Trapper Mine Acquisition Transition Team

Chairman, President’s Employee Award Committee

Trapper Mine Audit Committee

Black Canyon National Park Advisory Committee

Issued four U.S. Patents

Have authored the following books:

INVENTOR’S GUIDE TO LOW-COST PATENTING, published by Macmillan, New York, 1985

WINNING AT WORK, Published by Tab Books, New York, 1987


Served on the following boards of directors in addition to the DMEA Board of Directors:

MEDC (Montrose Economic Development Corporation)

WEEDC (West End Economic Development Corporation)

METSA (Montrose Emergency Telephone Service Authority)

Intermountain Energy

Western Resources Independent Power

Colorado Water Congress

Trapper Mining Inc.

Williams Fork Company

Williams Fork Mining Co.

Uintah Corporation

Land Resources Inc.

Mack Fuel Supply, Inc.

Small Power Producers

Trapper Investments Inc.

Loma Mining Company

Colorado-Ute Service Co.

Western Power Producers

Educational Background: Illustrate how any formal and informal education and/or training would benefit you as a Director.

Formal education follows:

Graduated 6th grade at Somerset Grade School

Graduated High School at Paonia High School, was Class President my Junior and Senior years.

Having been raised in Delta County I am very familiar with Delta County as well as Montrose County.   (I was raised at a very small town by the name of Oliver located near Somerset.  My father was the Oliver Steam Electric Plant Manager.  This provided power to DMEA service territory in the early years.  This included power to most Delta County towns, including Paonia, Hotchkiss, Cedaredge and Delta.)

Graduated from Mesa College with an Associate of Science degree in Math and Science.

Graduated from Colorado State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Graduated from the University of Colorado Graduate School of Business with an MBA degree.

Please see my attached resume for additional details of professional assignments that provided much additional informal education.

I am always eager to take additional training that might be offered by DMEA.

What makes DMEA's purpose and mission meaningful to you?

I have always strongly believed in the values and principles of the cooperative system.  I know this is fundamental to the philosophy of DMEA.  I have strongly supported the cooperative principles since the mid 1980’s when I worked closely with State Representative Scott McInnis to get deregulation passed at the state legislature. This legislation deregulated all Colorado cooperatives, include DMEA, Tri-State and Colorado-Ute.  Prior to the legislation the Colorado cooperatives were regulated by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission for service territory and rates.

DMEA’s purpose and mission is very important to me. It is now even more important with the great things Elevate is accomplishing. This is being done in much the same way as the REA did many years ago with the coop telephone system.

How will your values align with DMEA's shared values?

My values align very well with the DMEA’s values. I totally believe in the coop philosophy which includes honesty and integrity. Those values have made DMEA a very successful business organization.

Explain your beliefs on a Director's role and your view on governance versus management.

As you can see from my resume I have had extensive experience serving on boards of directors and working for boards of directors.  I believe a director should set the long-term vision of the coop, approve annual budgets and help the manager and staff with any issues they need help on.  I don’t believe in micro-management, but do believe that if the staff is unable to handle a major problem the board needs to be involved in the solution.

What unique ability or knowledge do you think you would bring to the DMEA board?

As to any unique ability or knowledge I have, as you can see from my attached resume, I have managed the studies and planning for providing the power supply to DMEA and 13 other coops in Colorado.  This included the coal fired power plants, the natural gas fired power plants, the hydroelectric plants, the transmission system, substations, communication facilities and all other requirements of providing a reliable, inexpensive power supply to the 14 Colorado-Ute coops which included DMEA.  This knowledge will be very useful if new power supply sources are made available to DMEA.

I have extensive electrical experience including developing and researching renewable energy resources.  I have been a member of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) (the national electric utility research organization) and have served on several committees and task forces that were responsible on a national basis for developing renewable electrical energy resources.  Also, I was a finalist for the top job at the National Renewable Energy Labs (NREL) in Golden.  I was an original director on the Solar One Project in Barstow California (the largest solar-electric plant in the US at that time), and many other renewable projects including extensive hydroelectric experience.  This will be relevant when pursuing future renewable energy resources.

Also, as you can see from previous answers I have extensive experience with communication towers, telephone facilities and internet facilities.

Please see my attached resume for additional details.

Summarize any previous board experience.

I served four consecutive three-year terms on the DMEA Board for a total service of 12 years.

I also served on 17 other boards of directors, which include MEDC (Montrose Economic Development Corporation), WEEDC (West End Economic Development Corporation), METSA (Montrose Emergency Telephone Service Authority), Colorado Water Congress, and those others listed on my attached resume.

Is there anything about DMEA that you would like to change? If yes, what and why?

I think DMEA is doing a good job, but I always will be working for the lowest cost and most reliable electricity and internet.

Candidate Background Statement

--Montrose County Manager—CEO of Montrose County for seven years

--Responsible for Design and Construction of Montrose County Event Center, Montrose County Public Works Campus--cost $20 million

--Vice President, DMEA Board

--Acting President, Colorado-Ute Electric Association (Former power supplier to DMEA and 13 other Colorado electric coops.)

--Project Engineer--Design and Construction of Craig and Hayden electrical generating stations--cost $1 Billion

--Vice President, Western Power Company

--DMEA Director, Four consecutive three-year terms, total of 12 years

--Director on 17 other Boards of Directors

--Director, Montrose Emergency Telephone Service Authority

--Public Service Company of Colorado--Engineer, Denver

--Engineering Manager, Russell Stove Candies

--Licensed Colorado Professional Engineer

--MBA degree from the University of Colorado (Masters of Business Administration)

--BS Mechanical Engineering CSU

--Paonia High School graduate, President of Junior Class and Senior Class

--Chairman, Engineering and Operating Committee, Craig Electrical Generating Station

--Chairman, Engineering and Operating Committee, Hayden Electrical Generating Station

--Task force member, Electric Power Research Institute—Renewable Resources—Palo Alto, Ca.

--Advisor, Solar One Generating Project—Barstow, California

--Advisor, Southwest Solar Re-powering Project, El Paso, Texas

--Advisor, Raft River Geothermal Project, Idaho

--Finalist for the top job at NREL (National Renewable Energy Labs) Golden, Co.

--Third generation North Fork Native

--Director, Montrose Economic Development Corporation

Headshot of Jesse Haywood, District 2 Candidate

Work Experience: Describe how your work experience has prepared you to be a valuable addition to the DMEA Board of Directors.

Having been an Electrican for 27 years who understands the need for energy and learning to adapt and change as our technology changes has prepared me to be an excellent addition to the board. I have a serving leadership style as a manager and believe our clients come first. I currently work for Montrose County as the Facilities Superintendent and I feel the relationships you make help you grow. What I feel I have to offer is someone that is looking to put  the client first and help look into the future for new possibilities as things change.

Educational Background: Illustrate how any formal and informal education and/or training would benefit you as a Director.

My educational training includes a Master Electrician License.  Additionally, I have taken leadership classes through the Professional Development Academy.

What makes DMEA's purpose and mission meaningful to you?

DMEA's Purpose is to provide great customer services at a reasonable cost. DMEA also has to work on new ways to grow and if posable new reliable energy source’s that make sense.

How will your values align with DMEA's shared values?

I believe we all must work together and set aside differences and align goals with others to get the job done. My values are simple - customer service is number 1. Everything else can be negotiated.

Explain your beliefs on a Director's role and your view on governance versus management.

The director’s role is to make sure your team is following the direction of the board and to provide them with the most accurate information he or she has. I believe as an agency you must create and uphold the policies you make. As Management you must understand the direction you where given and to stay within the restraints of the Policies that wore put in place to get the job done.

What unique ability or knowledge do you think you would bring to the DMEA board?

As an electrician I can see the need for upgrades on our infrastructure. With all the EV's and everyone working on becoming emissions free most people do not understand how this will be straining our grid. My hope is that I can help work out a way to influence DMEA customers that changes need to be made if we are to sustain.

Summarize any previous board experience.

As the  Facilities supervisor for Montrose county some times I would have to inform the Board of issues, or if we needed Money for an extra project I would go before the bord to answer questions. Ken Knoris was my superviser at the time.

Is there anything about DMEA that you would like to change? If yes, what and why?

The only thing I belive DMEA can change is we need to beef up our grid for growth. everyone wanting to become less reliant on gas, EV cars now the new trend. I believe this will stress our grid and knowing Colorado is shutting down Cole power plants we do not have enough  plants to maintain at this rate of  acceleration of usage.

Candidate Background Statement

Serving our community is my passion. This is why I have invested my career in Montrose County for over 13 years. I am a Master Electrician with 27 years of experience. I currently am the Facilities Superintendent for Montrose County. Being raised here and having the chance to live somewhere else gave me a prospective of what living in a small town is like versus the city. In Montrose, you build strong  relationships with people and  feel that you are safe and so are your children. I know as a community we will grow, but I know we do not have to lose our small-town ideals, including the sense that you can trust your neighbor. In the city, I was able to experience a fast-paced environment learning to build commercial developments under high pressure. You can count on me to be an honest, trustworthy, hardworking problem solver. I have worked side by side with DMEA for years building infrastructure for Montrose County buildings. In conclusion, with all my construction background and dedication to this community, I would be a great asset to DMEA.

Headshot of Steve Metheny, District 2 Board Candidate

Work Experience: Describe how your work experience has prepared you to be a valuable addition to the DMEA Board of Directors.

I have held both technical and leadership positions at DMEA. Having that work experience and historical perspective of Delta and Montrose counties since 1981 should be a valuable addition to the Board of Directors. Most of my years, since 1983 have been in a position that I have been attending Board, committee, and annual meetings of the cooperative.

Educational Background: Illustrate how any formal and informal education and/or training would benefit you as a Director.

My formal education is as an electrical engineer and business leadership, specific to power systems.

I earned a bachelor of science in electrical engineering (BSEE) and a masters of engineering (ME). I am a registered professional engineer in the State of Colorado (PE).

In the limited time since I was appointed to the DMEA and Elevate board in November 2023, I have attended as many board leadership training programs as possible and have committed to continue the Director certification training program, if elected to the board.

What makes DMEA's purpose and mission meaningful to you?

The cooperative is the best form of business governance and I have been proud to have spent most of my adult life working for an electric cooperative (DMEA)

There are seven distinct cooperative principles that define DMEA's purpose and they all mean a great deal to me:

  1. Open and voluntary membership - open to everyone that receives electric service. Membership means ownership. Cooperatives are member owned.
  2. Democratic member control - membership votes for the Board of Directors through a democratic process. One member, one vote.
  3. Autonomy and Independence - governed by the membership as a unique entity. Even though its service territory is determined by the Colorado Public Utilities Committsion (CPUC), DMEA is independent to do anything lawful that makes sense to its membership.
  4. Member's economic participation - members contribute as they pay their electric bills and the margins leftover are used by the cooperative until they are retired in the form of capital credits back to the membership. (DMEA just paid capital credits late last year)
  5. Education, training, and information DMEA is open and transparent on it books and records and ensures its employees, Directors, and membership are kept up to date with current industry issues so they can be handled locally.
  6. Cooperation among cooperatives As a cooperative, DMEA does a lot of business with other cooperatives such as  material suppliers, software vendors, insurance cooperatives, industry trade groups and the like.
  7. Concern for community - cooperatives work to better their communities through policies supported by the membership. The DMEA membership asked for more renewable energy opportunities and broadband in its communities.....What's next?

How will your values align with DMEA's shared values?

I believe in the DMEA core values:

  1. Safety
    This is job #1 - for its membership, employees, and contractors including its subsidiaries
  2. Transparency
    Board meetings, Board members and employees are available to its membership to ask questions and provide feedback. For DMEA to be successful, it needs an engaged and participating membership. (Just like a democracy)
  3. Innovation
    Solving complex problems through innovation is one of the values that makes DMEA a strong and industry leading cooperative. Cost effective and reliable Power supply, broadband, and renewable technologies are just some of the innovative solutions. What''s next?
  4. Integrity
    Just like safety and transparency, integrity is essential. Trust is essential with the membership, vendors, employees, contractors and associates when making complext decisions.
  5. Sustainability
    Ensuring that cooperative is prepared to meet the needs of future generations is paramount. Those before us have laid a great foundation for DMEA here in Delta and Montrose counties and the current board's responsibility is to 'not screw that up'.
  6. Reliability
    Ensuring our membership has affordable access to reliable electric and broadband networks is an obvious but essential value.

Explain your beliefs on a Director's role and your view on governance versus management.

A Director's role is to engage in discussion to establish policy that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) implements in the day to day operation of the cooperative.

The Board's collective role is to select its CEO.

A Director has no vested power as an individual. Each Director is only empowered to participate and vote at Board meetings. It is the board acting as a whole that has the power to affect change.

What unique ability or knowledge do you think you would bring to the DMEA board?

I am familiar with the agricultural roots (pun intended) here in Delta and Montrose counties.  I have unique industry and historical knowledge in that as a previous engineer for the cooperative I am familiar with the changes over the years.

I also have experience in higher education as we continue to work through this ever evolving industry. It will require innovation in training as well.

Summarize any previous board experience.

I have served on the Montrose County Chamber of Commerce and served a year as its President

I serve on the board of Montrose Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)

I serve on the advisory board for Technical College of the Rockies (TCR)

I serve on the steering committee and Board of the Western Slope Schools Career Collaborative (WSSCC)

I serve on the Western Workforce Development Council as part of the Colorado Workforce Center

I have been on the DMEA board since November of 2023 but have been attending DMEA board meetings on a regular basis since 1983.

Is there anything about DMEA that you would like to change? If yes, what and why?

I have no set agenda on specific changes. DMEA is an industry leading cooperative that listens to its membership and gets things done to benefit our communities. I'd like to continue to be a part of that strategic effort in a place I call home.

Candidate Background Statement

My name is Steve Metheny and I am asking for your vote.

I have lived in Montrose most of my adult life.  I was recruited in 1981 from NMSU in Las Cruces, NM to DMEA as an electrical engineer. I worked in many capaciites over 37 years while at DMEA, retiring in 2018. Retirement didn't sit well for me so I went back to work and am currently the Director of the Montrose campus of Colorado Mesa University and CMU Tech.

My wife Brenda and I designed and live in an energy efficient barndiminium with passive solar and ground source heatpumps for heating and cooling up on a small plot of land on Spring Creek Mesa northwest of Montrose. We have two grown adult children, Sara, who is a healthcare professional in New Mexico and son, Mark, who is finishing up two engineering degrees (Chemical and Biological Engineering and Biomedical Engineering) at Colorado State University.

We love the western slope of Colorado and all it has to offer. We visit our remote (off grid) mountain cabin often and spend time with friends and family and occiasionally play golf and visit Lake Powell, water permitting.

Call or text me at 970-209-6172 But please vote!

District 5 Candidates

Headshot of Kevin Williams, District 5 Board Candidate

Work Experience: Describe how your work experience has prepared you to be a valuable addition to the DMEA Board of Directors.

I received a post graduate degree fron the University of Idaho in Forest Resources.  I have spent a 40 year career working in the nonprofit sector and have extensive experience with strategic planning, financial management, board governance and much more.

Educational Background: Illustrate how any formal and informal education and/or training would benefit you as a Director.

I have an Associate in Applied Science degree in pre-professional forestry, and a Postgraduate degree in Forest Resources from the University of Idaho, receiving the Outstanding Senior in Forest Resources award.  I have held a variety of blue collar jobs and spent 40 years in the nonprofit sector working with people in rural communities throughout the Intermountain West and Great Plains to give them a voice in decisions that affect their lives.  I have extensive experience as a group facilitator and nonprofit consultant.

What makes DMEA's purpose and mission meaningful to you?

I see DMEA as one of the most exceptional, forward thinking and innovative rural electric co-ops in the country.  I see my role as a Board member as keeping DMEA in the forefront as a leader that provides reliable and affordable energy, powers rural economic development, improves the quality of life in our communities, and brings fast and reliable internet to all of our members.

How will your values align with DMEA's shared values?

I am a big believer in the seven cooperative principles and in particular democratic member control and concern for community.  Rural electric coops have helped rural communities not only survive but thrive when investor owned utilities were unable or unwilling to do so.  And because DMEA is owned by its member/owners the board should always do its best to be responsive to member concerns.

Explain your beliefs on a Director's role and your view on governance versus management.

Board members primary responsibility is to govern, which in essence means to oversee the direction of the organization and ensure it is in compliance with the law.  The Board hires the CEO, and the CEO is responsible for managing both DMEA and Elevate.  The legal duties of a Board member include duty of care, duty of loyalty, and duty of obedience.  The overall duties of the DMEA Board are outlined in the Board of Directors policy.

What unique ability or knowledge do you think you would bring to the DMEA board?

Having lived in Montrose for 40 years I have a deep appreciation and knowledge of the communities in DMEA's service area and the unique opportunities and challenges facing DMEA's member/owners.  I have worked on energy policy at the local, state and federal level for decades with a particular passion for energy efficiency and renewable energy development.  As a nonprofit trainer and consultant I have experience with strategic planning, financial management, board development, communications/marketing and much more.

Summarize any previous board experience.

I have served on the DMEA Board as well as the DMEAUS Board since my appointment as the District 5 representative in November 2021.  I am currently serving as the secretary/treasurer of the DMEA Board.  I believe I have grown to be an effective Board member, and I recently completed the NRECA Credentialed Cooperative Director Program

Is there anything about DMEA that you would like to change? If yes, what and why?

All in all DMEA is an exceptional electric co-op.  DMEA is financially strong, we have kept electric rates stable for five years, roughly 35-38% of our energy portfolio is renewable resources, we have a goal of providing high speed Internet to all of our members by2027, and we help support a strong local economy.  If there was one thing I could change it would be a much greater degree of member engagement in the coop, and a higher percentage of members voting in coop board elections.

Candidate Background Statement

It’s been an honor to represent you on the DMEA Board. I humbly ask for your vote to serve a second term.  As a 40 year resident of Montrose, I love this place we all call home. In recent years DMEA has faced many challenges from switching our wholesale power provider, launching a fiber internet subsidiary, weathering a malicious cyber-attack, and navigating turnover at the CEO position. I believe we have emerged stronger and more resilient than ever.  We are financially strong, have kept electric rates stable for five years, and are committed to generating our own power from renewable sources, supporting local jobs and the economy.  I will always do my best to keep your interests and those of our local communities in Delta and Montrose County at heart.  I strive to do my homework, ask plenty of questions, and examine all sides of an issue.  The electric industry is in the midst of a major transformation.  At DMEA we need to continue to adapt and be forward thinking, all while providing reliable and affordable rates.  My door is always open and I am eager to hear from you. I ask for your vote in the upcoming election.